Monday, May 29, 2006
S....O...S...plase someone help me....
Thursday, May 25, 2006
And she's off....
That being said, as of today I won't be on the computer anymore. I'm going to pack everything up and be done with it. Hopefully I'll be able to use MIL's computer when I get there on the 3rd. We shall see!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Knittying? What's that?
La has finally graduated. This whole process has been drug out long enough. I'm so proud of her and just think she's a doll!
B and some friends loaded the UH*ul on Saturday. He left this morning and has already unpacked our stuff in the storage unit. He starts his new job tomorrow.
ON an even more pleasant note, La's brother T has decided that him and girlfriend J will be getting married July 21st of next year. Nan is the flower girl, Em a junior bridesmaid, B an usher and me a bridesmaid????? YIKES! I have about 6 months to drop about 50 pounds so I'm on a mission...once I get Das Boot off of my foot and settled into my new house. Calgon, where the F*ck are you to take me away??
Thursday, May 18, 2006
OK, survived the graduation parties just fine. My grandparents' visit went wonderfully (yes, Sharon that is my grandmother and she has just turned 70). We had a very quiet Mother's Day brunch with my aunt/uncle and cousins. This week I've had a root canal, 2 fillings, and a knee high boot put on for my plantar faciitis. I've been working on another pair of F&F socks for a friend of mine before I leave as well as working on some Mason Dixon projects for a wedding in a few weeks. This week has been insane at work and I'm sure only will get worse as the end approaches! May 26th is the last day with kids, WOO HOO! As part of my going away present a dear friend of mine (the one I'm knitting the socks for) is GIVING (as in free) me one of her AKC Jack Russell Terrier puppies, which is the dog the girls and I have always wanted. The girls don't know yet and they want a dog named, "Daisy Mae", but this little baby looks more like a "pepper" or something like that. B knows and is NOT happy about it, but I don't care! LOL. Knitting has taken a back burner and it's very possible that in the next few weeks, this blog could too. The moving van comes on Saturday. B will be leaving with everything but a mattress, the couch, a TV and the computer on Sunday morning. Then he'll come back on the 28th and take my computer away...NOOOOOO! I'll try hard to post some pics really soon!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Mothers and Friends..
Friday was Em's 1st grade Mother's Day Tea. I took the afternoon off so that I could attend. My grandmother was able to go with me so that made it extra special. We had a fabulous time, and there were quite a few precious tears shed. I'm just so lucky to have a sweetie for a daughter. While at the tea one of Em's friends asked if she could come over to her house for a playdate on Saturday. Em was excited and I took her over there to find out that it was a Suprise going away party for her (because of our move). I was so touched that they woudl do that for her. There is just a few of the girls that were there (14 total) who all signed an autograph book, had snacks, played and made friendship bracelets. Knitting has been put on the backburner this weekend. I'll get to it later this week.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Home again....
Sunday, May 07, 2006
While waiting for Ann and Kay to arrive I met some great people but I spied Elsbeth with her great sock bag. She made and designed it herself from odds and ends she had "Laying around". It's not just a purse but also a fanny pack to put your favorite sock and yarn in! It was fabulous! When I came home, and was irritated with B I spied a FEDEX bag from Atlanta! Lisa H sent me this fabulous socks for the exchange! I LOVE THEM and wore them for a full 24 hours! Thanks so much!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
)(@$#(*&@#(*)& MOVING!
The story....
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I Love Amazon!!!
I ordered two books last week.