Sunday, April 16, 2006


This is all that remains of my stash....well all that's out anyway. I packed up 6 huge boxes of yarn today and although I knew it was necessary I couldn't help but feel that it was so FINAL. I won't be seeing the lovelys until we are in Oklahoma in June. HMPH!


Pioggia said...

Moving is so stressful. Did you at least leave enough yarn to knit something simple and relieve pressure while the whole thing is going on?

Me said...

I was just looking at my stash, and feeling sad that there is so much of it. So much that I really should go on a stash diet and only knit from the stash for a while to slim it down some. I never stopped to think that too little stash would also be sad. So now I feel a bit better.

Plus, in her new book, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee says that sock yarns don't count in your stash sock yarns it is!!

Moving is so annoying. Every time I swear that it's the last and the next time I'll leave it to professionals. But I never do.

Sharon said...

Oh but think of the fun you will have unpacking it ;)

Kathy said...

Oh, I feel your pain! I've packed up almost all of my knitting gear and keep staring at the teeny wee pile left and how long it will be until I have all my stuff back in one place again. But just think - you'll get to arrange everything and buy new yarn to celebrate moving :-)