Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Shameless Kid Pics and a teaser....

Here are the girls on their first nice day out in a long time (last week). Nan (4) was convinced that she should wear her bicycle helmet at all times. LOL. Em (7) decided to go for the "cool" 7 y/o pose which always involves a tongue sticking out I guess
The Divine Miss Em at her very first Science Fair! She did wonderfully and she had a great time. There was a huge turn out and she was interviewed and asked a lot of questions. Later on in the fair a mysterious young man came by her project to ask a few questions and when I pulled out the digicam I got the other "7 y/o look". Apparently I was embarrassing her. She was THRILLED when she realized that I only got a picture of the back of his head. But I can guarantee that he is a sweetie that has a little thing for my girl. This is the boy on Valentine's Day that she was concerned about because he likes her, but she doesn't like him like that, but she likes it that he likes her. Make sense? Me neither!
OOOOh! I almost forgot, the teaser. Friday the 2nd is Read Across America day. Anyway, I have to dress up as a children's book character for work. I will be a mammal, not human, I'll have whiskers and a tail and there is a cookie involved. Any guesses? (more recent children's book). I made a nosewarmer for the occasion,but no tassel.

Long week, long projects, is it Friday yet???

Ok, so I knew that this week was going to be a rough one.

We are in the middle of a weird time in which both of Miss Em's sports (basketball and soccer) are overlapping which means this week we have double the games and double the practices. We also have the school science far, the district science fair and then the school carnival (of which I so stupidly volunteered thinking I'd have time). Ok ok, no biggie, we can do this. Well we can unless everyone gets sick again. I am not kidding you. We had another wave of this vomitting/diahrea flu zip through our house. It was absolutely horrid. Mr. Outdoors and I both missed another day of work yesterday due to all of this.

Ok, done griping about it. My other issue: for some reason I am doing these HUGE projects! LOL. I have a really short attention span. So in other words I'm sick of doing mitered squares. I keep thinking, I'll hurry up and get it done and then start my other project waiting in the wings, but it's another afghan and a biggie at that! LOL. Maybe I'll make some more dishrags or something else small to help out.

Anyone else foaming at the mouth to see the new issue of Knitty? I can't believe it's almost time for another issue of MagKnits either. I've been out and about looking for the new
Interweave Knits but no where around here has it yet. Any thoughts? Is it worth it?

Also, I'm supposed to dress up as a book character on Friday. I wanted to do Harry Potter, but not sure where I can find a cloak, or a Weasely sweater. We'll see what I come up with! LOL.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Whew, it's been a couple of days...

Ok first, my grandfather is doing very well! I'm so happy that he's on his road to full recovery.

Secondly, I have been really really sick. The vomiting flu bug has been going through our house since Thursday night. It was highly highly contaigious and all of us have nowbeen touched. It was Nan on Thursday/Friday, then me on Friday/Saturday, then Mr. Outdoors and Miss Em today. Yuck yuck yuck! I'm pretty sure I've never been that sick at work. It was absolutely horrific.

There was knitting going on. I stopped working on Nan's blanket squares to make some covers for the girls' flip flops, and then finished my 4th hat for Kate's Caps. I need to mail them off later this week so I need to try to finish one more.

I also gave some vintage (circa 1985) fuschia wool to a friend of mine. It had been gifted to me from a friend last year, and I just couldn't find anything I wanted to do with it yet, she mentioned she liked it so I gave it to her.

There was also much NASCAR watching at the house this weekend. I faired ok with my Fantasy NASCAR league this weekend, however my favorite driver (Dale Earnhardt Jr.) had a DNF due to a blown engine. It was still a very exciting race. On to Vegas in two weeks!

This is a very very very busy week for us. We have basketball, soccer, dance, science fair, school carnival, distric science fair and then just our regular everyday things as well. So you may or may not hear much from me.

As far as the trip to MS&W, this may or may not come to fruition. So far it's just me and one other person. If our loan goes through to finally build our house I might not be going either. We shall see. Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

WOo HOO! Finally!

FINALLY someone has come up with a way to combine my 2 loves (Knitting, Nascar) and 1 big need (destashing). This project is in it's infancy, but if you like Nascar and are a Knitter, this might just be the project for you!

Here are the perimeters:

* Whatever miles are raced in Nextel Cup that weekend, so is the goal of the equivalent number of grams be used before the next race. (Daytona 500 = 500 grams before the Auto Club 500 at Fontana)
* By “used” I mean knitting, crocheting, spinning, sewing, selling, and gifting (Swaps are our friends!). These “miles/grams” are also points towards prizes.
* Throughout the racing season, there will be bonus points given to each completed project applicable in size/weight/complexity. (a finished “Forest Path Stole” is greater than a full-sized Clapotis which is more than the “My So-Called Scarf” project.
* Due to the allowance of other De-stash KALs to get more yarn, no penalties will be given if yarn is acquired at any time.
* Sporadically, prizes will be awarded to those with the highest point count. That means GIVE-AWAYS!!

If this sounds interesting to you, then head over to the blog and comment to sign up! Reminder, NASCAR season goes until November!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Finally some photos!

The science fair project in progress, just in case you were interested! LOL
26 mitered squares finished! Only 54 more left to go.

The divine Miss Em's new cape in Blue Sky cotton. Knitting up nicely and quickly too.

Happy President's Day...

Hi all! Happy Presidents' Day! I would be thrilled that today is Presidents' Day, but due to the ice storm and snow storms that we had earlier in the winter, we are forced to have to use today as a makeup day for school (sigh).

This weekend, there was a fair amount of knitting and I was all ready to sit down and take pictures and now the digicam is missing. I'm pretty sure that the suspect is 4 y/o and about 3.5 feet tall! LOL. Both of the underage suspects in the household have blamed a third that goes by the name, "Not me". I've heard that "not me" is an ornery juvenille that slips into and out of houses and does mischievous things. So as soon as I find the digicam pictures will be present. I've been working hardcore on Nan's mitered square afghan and now have 26 of 80 completed. I didn't believe people when I first started that those things are addicting, but they really truley are. Not to feel neglected I'm working on this cape from MagKnits for Miss Em.

Attention Oklahoma gals: I had a few maybes and 1 definite yes, about going to MD Sheep and Wool. I checked orbitz and the prices started going up. If we are going to go, we need to get some definite answers by the end of the week. Here is the package that I was looking at. I know that the hotel is a nice one as my aunt stayed there a few months ago, plus it's on the way to the festival. The price of $402 includes a room with kitchenette, airfare, and a car . If you can find something else for cheaper or better, let me know. I just really like the times of the flight. Specially for those of us that have to work on Friday.

I thought, that we could set up a Paypal thing for this if we really want to go. Email me at theprocrastiknitter at yahoo dot com. If I don't hear about anything by Friday then if there is just two we can talk about going.

Friday, February 16, 2007

And the winner is...

Well, Miss Em has chosen what her science fair project will be called! And the winner is Heide! Please email me with your address at theprocrastiknitter at yahoo dot com. Congratulations!

Em's science far project will be called: "Salt of the Earth: Pollution or Solution"

Thanks for all the great ideas. I couldn't post until now as it was hard for Em to decide.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Heart Day...

Wow, Miss Em and I are very excited about the titles so far. She does like a few. Remember I have ZERO input in this one. It's all her.Last night we were talking and she asked if she could be a guest blogger again. Remember, the only thing edited is the spelling.

Hi. Thank you for helping me with my science project. It is a lot of fun, even though my mom says that she cant help me with it. She would be a good partner. Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I will be the line leader at my school. Being the line leader is an important job. I just finished my valentines for school. My mom said I couldn't asked Matthew to be my valentine because that's not nice because he likes me like a girlfriend and I just like him as a friend thats a boy but I like it that he likes me. I hope he gives me something good. I gave him 2 suckers on his card instead of just one. My sister is sick and barking like a dog. It is annoying.

Ok, and back to our show... LOL.

I hope that your day is much more informative because of the Divine Miss Em (7 y/o).
I was looking at pictures from fashion week, courtesy of MSNBC . It looks like knitwear is still huge for the fall.

Ok I love this picture for two reasons. One I love Joan Jett AND I really would love to see what Amber Tamblyn's sweater/jacket/whatever looks like from the front and if that really is rick-rack on the sleeves.

I have also declared that there will be no reason for me to fix my hair at all this fall. I will just wear the cutest, most gorgeous and elegant dress/suit/whatever and put a hat on with ear flaps.
I love the hats, just not with the couture! LOL.

Now THIS! THIS! THIS is what I'm going to do for my very next project. Sure it looks kind of funky and weird on the bean pole model, I think it would look MUCH better if it had more stripes and fit say, a 5'6, 180 pound...ME! Ya'think? LOL. I don't! Looks a little like a prison uniform circa 50 years ago.

If you need to give a little love this season. I know that quite a few of the charity knitting projects have wrapped up, but here are a few more, just in case you are interested.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Quick! I need some help!

Ok, ladies! As I noted yesterday it's been a little crazy over here at Chez Procrastiknitter. Well, there has been some knitting going on, just not a lot, but I promise to include some knitting content towards the end of this week when I have a little more time.

Anyway, back to why I need your help.

As you know the divine Miss Em is working on her 2nd grade science fair project. It is time to name the project. We didn't realize that we had to have it named by Thursday. We have been really struggling with the name, so I talked to Em and we decided to have a contest.

Rules: Submit a name for her science fair project in the comments section of this post by Thursday, February 15th at 7:00am. She will pick the best one, if she sees it and the winner will receive a little care package of yarn goodies from myself and Miss Em.

Her project: Em is doing a project to see if the sand and salt that is put on the roads and sidewalks is pollution. (Remember that we as adults know the answer, however, she did not and designed herself a project to find out.) She has a mini-greenhouse complete with 3 types of seeds. She is growing grass seeds, green bean seeds, and bachelor button seeds. She has a group with just soil, a group with soil and sand, a group with soil and salt, and then another group with soil, sand and salt.

If you need more clarification, just email me at theprocrastiknitter at yahoo dot com.

Happy thinking! It must be a creative title, according to the Science Fair rules and we are just coming up blank!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Brief note..

My grandpa had some problems with his surgery, but was able to go home on Sunday. It's going ok, just realizing that this is not the end, but merely the beginning of issues he is going to have which was disappointing. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. I'm still struggling with the new Blogger crap. It's a much more labored effort than I thought! YIKES!

I've been sick, Nan has had an asthma issue and I'm actually trying to knit, get thank you notes together and prepare for Valentine's day. Hopefully I'll get more time to finish up the blog at least by next Monday.

Although as much as I complain about Mr. Outdoors being gone on his little fishing and hunting expeditions (he leaves this Thursday morning to go fishing until late Sunday night) I do enjoy my time alone and able to do what I want to do! LOL.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Still here....kind of....

Well it's that time of year folks. Where school is busier than busy. The kids are busy, my life is busy and with no computer access at home for the time being, the blog has been neglected.

Apparently we have "squirrel" damage on our telephone lines. The repairman said, "Until we get this finished you need to decide if you want phone service or DSL." Of course we said "phone" since Mr. Outdoor's business phone is our home phone. So they told me last week, we would have it by Monday, then Monday they told us it would be Wednesday. This morning I was told that it would be by next Monday. Thankfully, I checked and we aren't being charged for our Internet.

Anywho.... if I could ask for a little prayer or positive thought. My grandfather, who is my Daddy (raised me) is having his prostate surgery tomorrow afternoon. This is very standard surgery, but he has been so miserable for the past month that I just hope that this helps him out and he can't return to his normal life!

There is some knitting going on, but I don't have pics. That'll be for another time. I have to go teach Kindergartners now!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Hang in there....

I'm working on template issues around here, so please be patient.