If you signed up for the
Dishcloth Swap then you need to check your email. I sent out the participants this evening. Please
email me if you need anything.
It has been CRAAAAZY around here the past week. I started my new job and training (teacher and curriculum supervisor for Tulsa Public Sch00ls. I've been in meetings and trying to get my room ready for the students. Let's just say that the room was a mess....(understatement) and just leave it at that. One good thing about the meetings is that I have been knitting. So far 3 dishcloths and 1/2 of another
B4 Bag for Maw-Maw's (Mr. Outdoor's great-grandmother) birthday at the end of the month.
We are not having any MIL problems anymore (knock on wood), Lilee is doing FABULOUSLY, and I'm surviving little by little.
I am having issues with coping with housework and chores since going back to work. It wouldn't be a big deal if I had help, but I don't at all. Mr. Outdoors thinks because he works that he doesn't have to help me because his job is "harder" (physical more demanding) than mine. We are working on that. MIL and FIL planned a weekend at their lakehouse (*groan*) for Mr. Outdoors, Nan, Em, myself, BIL, his wife and our nephews, oh and Maw-Maw. Although, normally I'd be ok with it I really really really don't want to go because it's going to be too hot, awkward and just overall not a great time for me. I told Mr. Outdoors that he and the girls could go without me, but I ended up with a guilt trip as it was the last weekend of "Summer VacatioN" before Em started school (next Wednesday). That being said, I have to get a lot of things done around the house before that day comes so I might be out of town and I might not. I'll post before I go, just in case for the DishCloth girls.
I'd rather stay home, clean, do my chores and list of "Must dos" as well as a little garage-saleing and thrift store shopping for sweatwers to unravel instead. Oh...and a little bit of knitting wouldn't hurt either! LOL
I'll post pics when I can. Stupid Digicam cord has decided to be a MAJOR pain!
Update: I was let off of the hook and am staying home by my lonesome (w/exception of Lilee) all weekend! WOO HOO! So much to do, so much to do!