Monday, September 18, 2006

Happy Early Birthday to Me....

aka 29 Part Deux.

This weekend we had an early birthday party for me. It just included, Mr. Outdoors, Em, Nan, my grandparents, my mother and her latest husband. We went to Em's game then home for Pizza and off to the Pow-Wow for some dancing, shopping and watching! It might as well had been my birthday (not until next week), because it was a wonderful day! The gifts of cash were great, however, it was my grandmother's gift that made me feel so loved. She came in bearing a giant casserole dish and told me that the dish and what was inside were mine! My litle teenie tiny grandmother had made me one HUGE dish full of her "secret" Thanksgiving stuffing! It is my very favoritest food in the whole world. I ate quite a bit for dinner Saturday night and then for some breakfast and a snack yesterday! WOO HOO! I'm going to freeze some of it as well. They also brough by a birthday cake (marble) decorated in my two favorite colors pink and orange, complete with a candle (said 30 = 18 with 12 years experience) and the singing of "Happy Birthday" of which I haven't heard in a LONG LONG time!

Ok, done gushing! My only regret was that there was not enough pictures taken!

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