Tuesday, September 19, 2006

2 days and counting until the Premiere!

I'm such a big dork! My obsession with this show is a little creepy! However I HAD to get this for my birthday present!

Edited to add that you can sample all of the music here! That's how I realized I had to have it...that and it was on sale for $9.88 at my local W@l -Mart.


Michelle said...

I understand the obsession. I can't wait myself!

Stephanie said...

I'm SO looking forward to the Greys Premiere and LOST.

A little bummed out that GA has moved to Thursday night...

Me said...

I am swamped with work this week...Open House last night for my students, tonight for my own fourth grader...and I have the first cold of the school year coming on too. What can you expect when you work in a petri dish, right? Anyways...I will be DVRing Grey's on Thursday night and it will take me a bit to get caught up...so I will have to not read your blog until I do...there is motivation! This weekend, I see a lot of Grey's in my future, while I cast on for the Simple Knitted Bodice.

Sharon said...

So when is/was your birthday? And you are turning 30?

Why the questions? Because on Sunday, I am turning 40 shhh!!

Kathy said...

If you're a dork, then so am I. I *love* Grey's Anatomy....and Dr McDreamy could come by my house any old time ;-)