Monday, March 05, 2007


Ok, since I didn't get a chance to get a picture of our newest addition to our family. I'll just show the old picture. This is Mr. Outdoor's deer. He had it mounted and it now sits in our living room. I hate hunting. It's just how I feel about it. I know it's necessary and if Mr. Outdoor's wants to do it that's fine, he just violated the one of the two cardinal rules of our marriage.

1. If you cheat on my you will find an appendage removed from your body the locks changed and your clothes out on the lawn.

2. There will NEVER EVER be any formerly alive animals in my house.

Not only do we have the deer (which is huge) in the house, but it's in the living room and the way he has it on the wall it stares at me from my favorite knitting chair. I'm certain he did it on purpose, but that' s just me.

I'm over being crabby with him. I'm also certain that PMS has been visiting me since late last week so I'll just blame it on either Premenstrual Syndrome, or the other PMS (Pissy Man Syndrome).

On the knitting front, I've been getting quite a bit done, well, quite a bit since we have been really busy with work, and kid stuff this week (more busy than usual). I have decided to come up with a plan to finish Nan's blanket (1/2 way done, 40 more to go).

  • On each weekday I will commit myself to finishing 2 squares.
  • On the weekend I will commit myself to 3 squares.
  • Any time after the squares are finished on a particular day I am allowed to work on something else (Em's cape).

Also my grandmother's birthday looms. While I had thought about a purse, after visiting yesterday it's quite clear that she doesn't need/want a purse. I was thinking along the lines of something pretty to put on a table (a doilie) or something to put on the back of a wooden chair. If I had time (her birthday is April 9th, but I would have until the 14th) I would make a shawl in a white or ecru lace weight yarn that she could put somewhere pretty, but I don't think I have the time. Any suggestions?


Kathy said...

I'd have to knit the dear a hat or a scarf. Something really foofie. All's fair, right?

Missy said...

Ooh, I second that - the deer definitely needs something knitted to wear.

Anonymous said...

i'll third that. maybe you could knit it a blindfold so it stops staring at you!

Anonymous said...

ooh I agree with the other three!! Knit it a lovely gay hat ;)

My father had 2 deer heads in the house for most my life.

I tell you what my mother used them for...She hung clothes all over the antlers to dry them! She never used a dryer.

If you are the short to hang your jumpers to dry them then its a good use ;)

Will teach him for bringing it into the house!


Anonymous said...

I understand the need for hunting and all that, but I also understand you not wanting it on your wall. Neither would I. Maybe knitting it something to wear is a good idea.