Thursday, June 14, 2007

I've been DYE-ing to blog...

I've been bit by the dyeing bug. I was given a bunch of wool from a friend of mine and have been going crazy! I've never been all that great of an artist (painting, drawing, etc) but I've found my niche with dyeing the yarn! It's been fantastic! The pictures below are a bit grainy. I have better pictures, but I just need to pick them up next time I'm at the store.


Anonymous said...

They look fantastic!

What do you plan on knitting with them?

By the way I now have an etsy shop if you are interested in getting some of my wool still! lol


Mama said...

I'm jealous - the yarn is simply gorgeous!

Ren said...

ooooh, those yarns look beautiful! i'm jealous! : )

Penny said...

How cool! How did you dye them? I need to start again, I have a bunch of undyed sock yarn just waiting...

Stephanie said...

pretty pretty!!!

I'm curious to try dyeing...but do I have time for another addiction?!

Beautiful work!!

kaoticorchid said...

How cool! I have a recent commitment that's going to have me pulling out my dye bowls. Very nice! Glad to see you back!