Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm here!

It has been a wild and crazy week and a half or so and it will continue until the end of May I think! LOL. I have been knitting quite a lot, just not really spending too much time on the laptop. I made a pair of fuzzy feet for Mr. Outdoor's great grandmother to replace a pair that she put in the dryer last week. She needs a second pair so that's what I'm working on now. A MD kimono for Mr. Outdoor's cousin's new baby. She's a doll and I love her name, Davy Grace. Goes very well with her sister Charlie Rose.

I made quite a few of the slipped stitch dishcloths. I sold a few, and then I'm hosting our monthly girls' cards night tomorrow night so I'll use these as part of a gift basket.

Jury duty continues, however the knitting during jury duty has ceased. I was actually chosen for a trial that started yesterday. However, it's supposed to finish up today. I have lots to say about it, but not until we get done. I am kind of enjoying not being at school this week, but it's just that time fo year.
Also, if you wouldn't mind, I would appreciate all the positive vibes or prayers that you could spare on Friday afternoon. I'm going to a teacher job fair for the town that I live in. From what I understand there are quite a few applicants and not all that many jobs. I LOVE my school in Tulsa, but I need to be closer to home for my girls and for my pocketbook as I haven't been making all that much since I'm spending about $300-400 or more a month on gas. Mr. Outdoor's business is going like gangbusters, but with his job and then working on the house there just isn't much time left over to help with the girls. This was not anticipated at all, and it's new territory for us all.
(((HUGS)) to you all. Hopefully after Friday things will slow down for a few days.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

And now presenting.....

The MD Mitered Square Blanket for Nan!!!

A Close up!

Working on a MD Baby Kimono for Mr. Outdoor's cousin's baby due next month.

Working on my first toe up socks. Pattern is from Cookie A.'s debut on Knitty Gritty.

Just a random sock that might end up as a Christmas present. I'm making this one up as I go along. It's made from Alpaca Mist. It's a yarn that was given to me and I'm not sure where it came from. But it's very similar to when I made my grandmother's sweater.

The spot of our future home....more to come later!

God Bless Joey...

Joey is my FIL's administrative assistant's nephew. HE ROCKS! Do you know why he rocks? When I took my computer to him Windows would not load, I was told all of the files were corrupted and we would have to reformat. I would love EVERYTHING!

Then, I got the laptop back last night, expecting the worst. I ended up with everything in tact and I am so thankful!

Ok, so plan on some pictures tonight. I promise. It's my only night this week that I'm actually going to be home until Sunday. No big trip planned, but something awesome is happening so I'll share soon!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Code Blue...STAT!!!

Well the show went well. For his first public appearance as a cabinet maker, he did very well. His charm shone brightly. I just told him to pretend like he was still a teacher at parent/teacher conferences. That helped slightly. Last night was really about getting his name out in the public eye and for them to see what he could do. It will probably take awhile before everyone starts calling, but that's ok. At least they know that he is here now.

While at the vendor part of the show, I was able to sneak away and found a booth for this little boutique in town. I looked down and saw Mason Dixon Wash Cloths knitted up in a variety of colors and she had them priced at $8 a piece. When I went back a little later, all 20 cloths were gone. She had sold them all!

Ok, now back to the code blue. I came home late last night after working with Mr. outdoors at the home show. I wanted to upload the pictures of the blanket and the tank top that I am working on. I started up my beloved Laptop and all of a sudden an error message appeared and said that my Windows file was corrupted. Grrrrrrrrr. I tried to reinstall windows but it said I had to uninstall components before reinstalling, but I couldn't uninstall. Sheesh! Luckily, Mr. Outdoors has a friend that is a whiz with this sort of thing and works not for money but for beer! LOL.

On the land front, we took a visit. While it is a beautiful spot it looked small for 10 acres, we asked where the rest of the land was and they said that 4 of the 10 acres were under the river. ENough said, we'll stay with our lot in town. Although I was getting breifly excited abotu getting some animals. Oh well, another time perhaps.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Tales of a Knitting Snob...

I bet you were hoping to find a post with pictures of Nan's completed blanket! It is done, but Mr. Outdoors has been busy with the camera and getting ready for his big Expo tomorrow evening. He is a vendor and also created the kitchen for the Taste of Home Cooking School that will be in our town tomorrow night. We have all been pitching in. ALthough his new business of cabinet and furniture making is going better than we ever dreamed, it has mostly been through word of mouth. This will be his first public affair. As far as the blanket goes, I'm finding that I'm a snob...well a knitting snob. I have decided that for me......crocheting is the work of the devil. I just can't do it...well very well. You would think that it wouldn't be THAT difficult as it is a needle art and it's not like tatting or anything. Nope. I looked completely ridiculous and it took TONS of time to crochet all those damn squares together.

Last week was crazy as well because we are finally going to start building our house. We have the loan, and we are supposed to go sign for the land (a new in-town lot) Wednesday. However, there has been a snag, but a welcome one. A friend of my FIL called and asked if we wanted to buy 10 acres in the country (only 4 miles from town though). We don't know what the land looks like or anything so we are going to truck out there tonight.

I have figured out that when the house gets started my knitting is definitely going to suffer. There are so many catalogs to look through and things to do that it isn't even funny.

Also, an apology to my KALs and to those whose blogs I normally visit. I promise I'll stop by sometime this week.