Tuesday, January 09, 2007


One and 3/4's of hats for Kate's Caps. These are fun and really quick! You should check it out!
The beginnings of my stash project. A felted laptop bag.... for me!
Baby Kimono and baby hat for my teaching friend R. I need to make some bootees to match.
As far as how I'm doing...much better! Thanks for all the comments. I wasn't looking for sympathy, just an outlet. But I appreciate the kind words. If you haven't read, How Full is Your Bucket? it really is a must read! It's fabulous. You can apply it in your personal and professional lives. I have just decided to make a conscious effort to be proactive and not reactive. Now, if I culd just get Mr. Outdoor's to understand, but that's highly unlikely. He's a great husband and father, but he's still very very clueless!

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