Friday, March 02, 2007

Wow, you guys were right!

I finished up the costume last night and I"ll have to take some pictures later of it. I have already had quite a few nice comments about my nosewarmer and my tail (I-cord). The girls and I made a giant cookie for me to wear around my neck.
On other news.... the new MagKnits is up! WOO HOO! The only thing that would make my life better is if the new Knitty were up too! LOL.
ON a side note... have you ever heard "glass half empty, glass half full"? Well what happens when your cup runeth over and not in a good way? I believe that there is such a thing as trying to cram so much in your brain that eventually things start to run out your ear or something. This week has been hallacious (is that a word?). It's not been that bad or anything (well except for the vomitting and diahrea on Tuesday) but it's just been insanely busy. I haven't gone to bed before 1am this week and I've been getting up at 5:45am. No biggie, I've done it loads before, but this week just seems like it's non-stop for some reason. Maybe it's because we have a new addition to our home that is irritating me (I have to post the picture and no I'm not pregnant). Or possibly it's just because there has been a lot of errand running. I dont' know. I think the main thing here is that Mr. Outdoors just does as he pleases and I don't get a lot of help with things at home. He says it's because he's so laid back, but I'm pretty sure it's because he's so darn lazy..hee....hee...hee.
I just find it funny that when I forget something he goes on an annoying tirade about how I have to be on the ball and yada yada yada, but somehow it escapes everyone that they knew about it too and didn't help me or remind me.
Case in point this morning. Yesterday I went to work, came back to town, picked up Nan, went to pick up Em, had 10 minutes to get everyone ready for soccer, went to soccer and coached and watched Nan, Mr. Outdoors came and got Nan, came home, made dinner, ate dinner, picked up the dinner, went to go get dog food (something I forgot), put all the laundry away, vacuumed, cleaned both bathrooms and the kitchen, helped Em with homework, made the cookie for my costume, made snacks, made phone calls for soccer, and cleaned up a spilled cherry Kool-aid incident. All from the time 3:30 - 8:00. Then after everyone went to bed, I finished my costume, graded papers for 3 hours, unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher, took a shower, did more laundry, put together some lesson plans, unclogged a clogged toliet, cleaned up the mess from the clogged toliet (that no one said a thing about), and finally knitted a squre on Nan's blanket before going to bed.
Now, I'm not complaining, really I'm not. I'm also very aware that other people have this life too. However, this morning when I was en route to work Mr. Outdoors calls me and says, "Did you bake those 3 dozen cupcakes for the school carnival last night?" and I say, "No I completely forgot" to which he replies, "Well what in the Heck did you do all night?" and is serious I come just slightly unhinged! LOL. Especially when he got off of work at 5:30, picked up Nan for me at soccer practice, went home, watched the news, ate the dinner I fixed and then left without helping to clear the table to go get something in town, came home after the girls were tucked into bed, sat on the couch and watched TV, called a buddy and then went to bed at 10pm.
I am so going to go out with the girls this evening when I get a chance, but instead of cropping, I'm hoping to take my knitting.


somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

Nuh-uh... Rich wouldn't DARE say that to me! Actually I started writing in what chores we did on our kitchen wall calendar and occasionally point to it when needed. =:8

Missy said...

Gosh, Mr. Outdoors sounds a lot like my hubby, only mine knows better than to even think of saying something like that to me. He knows I would get him with my death stare. LOL But he is frequently absent and unhelpful.

You definitely deserve a night out with the girls!