Friday, December 01, 2006!

Em, neighbor across the street V and Nan modeling their different hats last night.... V was getting ready to go home and then all of a sudden it was DARK! NO POWER! EEEK!
The girls didn't care though, they cuddled up on the couch in front of the fire, we had marshmalows and smores, hot cocoa and apple cider Lots of giggling and having fun.
Mr Outdoors called the power company who told us that the entire grid was out therefore we would be without power for at least 6 to 12 hours. Mr. Outdoors went and got all of his hunting and camping crap out stating, "Aren' t you glad you are married to a hunter?" No not really, but I am thankful for the propane lantern and giant spotlight! LOL
Power was back on within a few hours, however, we decided make it a camp out and it was fun. Mr. Outdoors drug out the girls' mattresses in the dining room. It was a HUGE sleepover. Mr. Outdoors slept in his bed, but I was on the couch and well you can see the dogs were!

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