Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'm home....

and I found the Mother Ship! I have been working harder than I'm pretty sure I've ever physically worked, out in the heat, and learning that this manual labor thing is much harder than it looks. I've been working with B and FIL in the wonderful world of Custom Home Building. I did that yesterday and then came pack to the refugee camp and mowed the 3 acre yard and then weed-eated and I was ready for the ICU I was so tired. Then I remembered that there was a Knit-in across town and finally got the wherewithall to go. I'm SO glad that I did. It was a fabulous time and I met a bunch of great ladies! I can hardly wait for the next one on Monday. I came home smiling and B laughed at me and said, "I can tell you finally found your Mother Ship"

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I am so glad that you found your 'mother ship'. Sounds like you are going to have some great times ahead.