Monday, May 08, 2006

Home again....

OK, so I'm home today. I'm technically "Burning" off one of my personal days that I need to use before the end of the school year and technically Friday is the last day you can use one of said days. I "chose" today because our daycare is closed. My daycare provider likes taking days off and apparently 5 in the last 2 weeks is not enough so she had to take 2 more this week. I mean I realize that she is doing it to be with her youngest at her track meets (she'sin 11th grade), and she knows that since the girls only have 3 weeks left I'm not going to cause a big fuss....however, it does piss me off just a tad. I'm very thankful to have a day off though, we are down to 10 days before B gets the moving van and 90% of my stuff gets packed up and moved to Oklahoma. I have TONS of packing and moving and rearranging today and with Nan as my sidekick we should get quite a bit completed. My cousin La's graduation party is this weekend and my grandparents plus numerous relatives will be coming to town so this weeken is pretty much crap as far as all of that goes. Well Nan is bugging me to go clean up the garage. MAYBE I'll get the baby kimono done at some point today.

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